The Witcher 3

- A GhostMod Mod List -

Introduction to the mod list

Welcome to this mod list for The Witcher 3 based around wghost81's GhostMod, a huge gameplay tweak mod. It's not the biggest nor the best mod list of all time, but it is the one I play with. It does not add too much the base game, it is mostly a game balancer type of mod list more than a "total different game than you first playthrough" kind of mod list (I'm looking at you Skyrim.).

If you're new to modding The Witcher 3 you can check my tutorial here, or simply look up online tutorials on Youtube and Nexusmod. Modding The Witcher is way simpler than modding Skyrim for reference, but it can sometimes be a little frustrating if you do not plan your modding session (having to reinstall your game twice in a day because you f***ed up something is no fun). Remember to back up your Witcher 3 files kids!

This mod list is here to guide you through the modding experience of The Witcher 3 without (much) difficulties and script merging hell. You're free to install every mods from this list or filter through them with the one you like or not. As long as they're not required for other mods to function there is no problem with not using them, modding is a matter of preferences. As for compatibility, this list was updated the 03/07/2020 and I doubt there will be any updates for TW3 from here but I will update this page if there's any.

Anyway, buckle up buckaroo, we are going on an adventure!

1. Requirements